Smove With the Roughness

Keep up the good work!! I hope you are foam rolling and and doing targeted areas with a lacrosse balls.  It so helps with recovery.

Goddamn that story.

Felice that absolute best of luck to you. I’m training for the LA marathon in March. Stay strong, you’ve got this!

“Oyeneyin was trying to return to sleep about noon Aug. 17..........His front door was unlocked—presumably due to a friend of Oyeneyin, whom he says accidentally tripped the alarm while leaving”

Robert De Niro is not 5' 10". I have stared him in the face and he’s 5'7" at best.

So that is Mr. Bling. An artist for the stars... and Tiffany Trump!”

Seeing her court performance appearance, it was just as expected. This bad ass that held four children at gun point was barely able to sit up of her own volition in the courtroom. Why is this aggressor to victim ALWAYS the standard trope. It’s exhausting.

In the not so distant past this would have been referred to as “Reckless Eyeballing”.  Many a Black man was put in jail for the Reckless Eyeball.  Check out the State v Ingram case from 1953.  This shit is not far off.

“Leave me a....OOOOWWWWWWW”. hahahahahaha

I meant in personal situations.  I wouldn’t speak about politics at my job and I understand that there are of course people here who have voted for 45.  In my personal life, I do not speak with or do business with a person who has. 

No, Boyle Heights.

I stopped using Next Door because as my neighborhood gentrifies the colonizers would write the following: “I love trying new things is there anywhere around here to exercise?” They lived literally a block from a huge public park where people jog, fish and walk their dogs daily. The rest of the thread was people

It was a mistake and you are absolutely right.  I have a friend that teaches music at a tony Upper East side school. 80 plus K for Kindergarten.  

Jason Jones did not come out and support the resolution for integration. His comments were to encouraged people to not speak to the press. His belief being that people talking about the racist and classist attitudes of the parents of the Upper East Side was really causing the controversy. Like people speaking about

Samantha and her husband Jason Jones were front and center regarding the integration of New York public schools push back. So while she’s railing on her show for the progressive cause, she is in actuality is the worst kind of bigot...the Ally.

Here’s lookin’ at you Samantha Bee

Puss Buckets

Agreed.  As I’ve said on this blog before Whoopi Goldberg is problematic on so many levels.