
How’s that boot taste?  Finger licking good I bet.

You do know it’s rather more than 10 feet, yes?  And this child didn’t actually climb it?  (She was clearly being pulled up by her top-rope belayer.)

Whats more pathetic are the people who use the word incel.

... Jacquerious Mitchell... 

When your political lense consistently gives you incorrect predictions, maybe it’s time to reflect on that. 

Look at his Facebook, every other post is about the quality weed he has.

bUt whItE pEoplE aRe the mORe LiKEly tO bE seRIal KilLeRs

I avoid blacks and black spaces at all cost; too hypersensitive and violent for my tastes.

so you do not work huh?

Jesus dude were you getting paid by the letter?

i love posts like this because anyone who talks like this online can’t even confront a roommate for pissing on the toilet seat

How many more times is The Root going to fall for obviously false stories?  Middle school white kids using the term “nappy”?  Ridiculous.  The original story stunk right from the start.

Low cognitive skills. Thinking critically is not part of their skill set.

or the Mom was looking for a payday

Well I am not entirely sure about that

How do you guys keep getting faked out by the same shit over and over again when its so obvious its fucking fake?

This was just as obvious as the Jussie story, yet the forever outraged crowd fell for it hook line and sinker.

How about a little sympathy for the wrongly accused children who have received death threats, including some from The Root’s ungreyed commenters in the previous article?

And now the three boys whose names were revealed and who got (temporarily) kicked out of school are going to have to watch their backs for, maybe, a very long time as folks like the comment makers in the original Root blog article “teach them a lesson”.