Biggest Yikes comment ever, easy there SJW
Biggest Yikes comment ever, easy there SJW
It has been shown time and time again, the vocal minority boycotting these games for not being “woke enough” dont buy the games. So be honest, you were never going to buy the game.
Good, it was time developers grew a pair. SJWs, and jourinalists arent the ones buying their games, its the general public.
He... was ... black
Just because there are psycho assholes with guns shooting people, doesn’t mean that groups of masked psychos attacking journalists is not also a major threat.
We neither feature the most guns per capita, the worst mass shootings, nor the worst rate of gun violence. We do however feature multiple politically charged 24 hour news stations waiting to point cameras at fresh bodies.
LLol! Fuck them and fuck you too
Big deal. You shouldn’t be scared of your information being out there if have nothing to hide.
ya know you feel time it goes by so slowly? You’ve made 13 comments just today...get out, do something with your life, if you want attention, come back here. We’ll comment to feel you good.
I don’t think anyone on the face of the earth cares what you do. So, please, feel free.
You are an extremely unintelligent, sanctimonious asshole of a person.
Just so we’re clear - assaulting people and putting them in the hospital is fine as long as no one actually dies? That’s the measuring stick now?
“No reason” = “Kindly confronting a known violent criminal and asking him nicely to turn off the car, and tries to stop a potentially fatal car chase before it starts”.
I am sure than he ran his plates, he knew that the guy was dangerous
Old white cuck
Yeah, Antifa is fucking horrible.
Splinter Stan’ing for a violent anarcho-communist movement made up of cowards who utilize the KKK’s playbook...why am I not surprised?
Antifa are not anti-fascist they are just anarchist that do not want to obey the law. Every article on this site about them likes to heap on praise, yet there was a journalist that was recently attacked by antifa and is now in the hospital with a brain-hemorrhage.