
Sorta like the whole black inventions argument that is easily debunked. You have no culture. 

Little Rock is the Detroit of the south. Only go there for Terri Lynn’s. Sadly NLR is getting worse by the year. 

Hope you kys 

I hope so 

I don't hire blacks or women. Odd how my sector breaks sales records while the others whither. 

If I knew where you were I'd do it by Monday. 

You'll be hanged as well. 

Not if we kill you first. 

Doesn't really matter if they are repeats that don't buy anything. 


Gay jew

He chopped her arm therefore he did place his hands on her. 

You're the reason why lynchings are a thing. 

Nah you can fuck off. 

Dudes name is Cesar Sayoc. Not a white dude. That's Hispanic. 


You got the white part wrong. 


What a joke.