
Playing it on my PSP-3000. Why are there some many articles here saying that PSN games aren't playable on non-PSPgos? #nisamerica

Playing it on my PSP-3000. Why are there some many articles here saying that PSN games aren't playable on non-PSPgos? #nisamerica

I am going to stick to my PSP3000 but I will be buying most of my games with the download. Yeah I sell most of my used games but I don't want to carry around UMDs. I travel a lot and not having some games I want to play because I don't have room sucks. Plus UMDs aren't the most sturdy media ever. So I will be

Can someone insert some rationalization and ethical reasons R4 should be legal here? I just don't want to pay for games but I am too lazy to come up with some bull crap.

I would bet that most games aren't sold at $60. The average Kotaku reader probably buys their games at $60 because they feel they need it right away. I bet the majority of games sold for God of War and Resident Evil 4 were sold at $20. The game plays the same at $20 a couple years later. Maybe the Wal-Mart shopper

I just remember playing GT3 and using the bouncing off cars and walls to help me get faster times. With no damage, it was easy to drive completely unrealistic. I never understand when people say GT games are "realistic".

@WhiteMage: Yeah Eyetoy was a popular item for 1 Christmas season but it didn't last until January.

Sony has the correct approach. Go after the casuals, who actually want to play motion controlled games. Keep the controller cheap at probably around $40-50.

Is this game a parody of God of War?

@kearneybobs: Most PS1 games are $5 with a few exceptions like FFVII.

Yeah! The iPhone - Making Wii games even crappier!

@ppppp: Used game $10 - $20 cheaper?? I wish.

@nrXic: ?????????????

As a pretentious game poster, I must always refer to a game with its Japanese title despite never actually been to Japan. For this game I am going to make up a Japanese name for this game to keep my doucheyness in check. I am going with "Yuuki Yuuki Shitagi" on all my message board posts on neogaf.

Most everyone on this thread will complain about Guitar Hero.

Despite being probably terrible, this will sell.

@Alicia: If that is your reason to hate the Wii, then maybe the Wii isn't so bad.

Why does everything have to have a touch screen? I know Steve Jobs doesn't like buttons but some of realize buttons work better than a touch screen. You would think non-Apple companies would try to come out with something different instead of just copying. I think I will hold on to my phone until I die or they make