
@Oyn: If you are going to compare Tie Fighter to post-9/11, it better be funny. Otherwise it is very stupid.

I thought this was going to be funny. The level of seriousness makes me want to stop reading so much about videogames. It is almost humorous in a unintentional way but mostly just sad. Please stop.

As someone who worked a lot in Canada and was stuck in iced in hotels with nothing to do but watch Canadian TV, I can say that Canadian television sucks. Canadians are the nicest people but their native television shows are unwatchable. It probably makes Canadians smarter people because there is less TV to watch.

@MyMomNamedMeJon: There is a plug in direct to the TV version of Golden Tee available.

Uhh. You can download PSN PSP games with any PSP. I do it all the time directly from Wi-fi. I don't even have a PS3.

Just think - he will never have to turn the lawn mower around because he lives on that planet that is on the inside of a ring. He could just mow all the way around the planet. He would have the best mow lines ever!!!

It it probably going to be like Medal of Honor 2 for the Wii which is fine with me. I liked that game and I thought it was better than the Conduit. Underrated game IMO.

Awesome. I actually thought my Wii Guitar Hero WT guitar and drums weren't compatible. Might pick up Rock Band 2 now.

@I_Like_Bunnies: The spaceflight genre died because little console sticks don't work as well.

Without a flight stick a remake will suck. It will probably be neutered like most PC to console conversions. I love Rogue Squadron II but X-wing vs. Tie Fighter it is not.

@Spongehead56: The 2P one is funny if you tried to play Wii Sports Resort.

They couldn't find a hot model to demo this? What is with the nerdy fat guy?

Daisy Fuentes is still hot!

@Mathias is approved!: I said the fad was dying. I didn't say the games wouldn't exist. They still sell Tomogachi and Yo-yos but the fads are dead.

@UltimateRuiner: I think Beatles Rock Band is going to be a flop. $250 for a game. I love the Beatles but I rather play butt rock in Rock Band.

R.I.P. - Plastic Guitar Fad 2006-2008.

@Archaotic: I rarely pay full price for a game. I just have patience to buy it later. If you feel the need to send a message to developers that games cost too much then don't but them at full price. There isn't a game out there that stays at $60 for more than a year. It is not like there isn't enough cheap used

@Lucasreis: Agreed. It is pitch perfect. If I was designing it, I would have developed it exactly as it was done.