
That would worry me. What you've described are behaviours, and there are many reasons why someone could engage in particular behaviours. Are you a perfectionist? Do you like yourself, are you generally self-compassionate? What do you do if you "fail" at any of those behaviours? How do these behaviours tie in with your


Ba ba ba ba ba baa...

you don't know the way to write poetry

Never mind the whole Boston bombers poem.

I was thinking that I might find it less offensive than her poetry.

I loved the Dresden Dolls, and I was listening to Who Killed Amanda Palmer today. The fact that I like a lot of her music makes her execrable personality so much harder to bear.

So many bad decisions can be preceded by the word Ambien. Ambien sex, ambien cooking, ambien emailing, ambien calling your mom, ambien housework, ambien driving...

Eating and engaging in activity are choices people make and are in control of. Depression is an illness.

He's the only Fine Gael politician that I know that has said he'd be in favour of liberalising abortion legislation further, despite calling himself pro-life.

Congratulations, I'm so glad to hear that antidepressants are having such a major effect on your life!

The thing is, it's okay to feel bad right now. I think doctors often shame us - "why do you care about something so trivial as gaining weight? isn't your mental health more important?" but it's up to you to decide what's important to you. An article was posted here two days ago about a woman on antidepressants

I lived there for three years and loved it, though I was happy to leave again after that. If you need any info or advice, there are quite a few German residents or former residents posting on Jezebel, so come back and let us know!

Wow, I had no idea. And I lived in Ireland for the first 25 years of my life.

Really? Reverse the genders. A dude (possibly accidentally) has sex with a woman who passes out partway through. He turns around and is devastated, acknowledges that he's a rapist, calls himself a monster.

It sounds like you're assuming that ER is only suitable for physical health-related conditions, with the possible exception of depression. Anxiety can be a life-threatening condition, and ER provides a triage service directing people to the most appropriate form of help that is available. Sometimes it's an

ER visits for anxiety? That seems like a ripe — and bipartisan — target for health-care reform.

You're explaining better than I did! I'm in Eastern Europe at the moment and I had to stay up until after 2am to make the first post on Saturday Night Social...and my comment STILL slid down to near the bottom as I'm still in the greys! Anyway, the point is I was very tired and didn't articulate myself well. Weird

Thanks for the perspective, you've brought to my attention that I tend to look for meaning in things that perhaps I should take at face value!

That's really insightful, thank you! It's a safe, boundaried environment in which to get male attention. Hmm. I don't like the idea much, but it rings true.