I wonder if American money was behind those buses? American-funded pro-life groups in Ireland set up free buses to bring people to a pro-life rally in Dublin last year. They offered the chance to win an iPad too.
I wonder if American money was behind those buses? American-funded pro-life groups in Ireland set up free buses to bring people to a pro-life rally in Dublin last year. They offered the chance to win an iPad too.
Back teeth? is that a welsh expression?
As you know, British Isles is a geographical term, but given the history between the two countries, it's understandable that people dislike it.
Pfft. You should see how the Germans go batshit crazy over asparagus every year. Birgit Janssen is the current Asparagus Princess:
I refuse to believe that!
communist regimes have a terrible, evil, unspeakable track record when it comes to supporting and protecting the rights of trans folk.
I was just kidding, I bet your butt is lovely. We need pictorial evidence to be sure though.
Maybe it didn't go anywhere. Maybe they were being really kind by saying your butt was your best feature, when what they meant was you had no better features.
You're using a lot of capital letters and exclamation marks today. Wanna talk about it? Is it about the ginger babies? We all know ginger people have no souls anyway.
Agribusiness is dying a little more every year, and I think it makes up about 5pc of GDP these days. As far as I know (and I'm willing to be corrected here), most Irish income now comes from Foreign Direct Investment in the knowledge economy. Intel, Google, Microsoft and Facebook are big in Ireland. Ireland produces a…
Fuck, I'm sorry for crushing your ginger baby dream. Maybe ginger people are less likely to move abroad? I don't want your hope to die completely!
What also upsets me is that Northern Irish women must pay for their abortions when they go the UK, rather than get them free on the NHS like every other UK citizen.
It's really weird to go into a pub in any town in Ireland. You'll see the 16-21 year olds (the people who are still in school or college) and the 35+ year olds (who are settled and can't leave) and there's this huge gap in the middle. They're going because opportunities are better elsewhere, but also because the…
Um, legal when a woman's health is threatened =/= abortion "on demand".
NI is the UK though. Abortion on demand's been legal there for decades.
Totally agree with everything else and yeah, come on, Ireland, you're part of Europe, not the fucking Bible Belt. Get with the programme.
I agree with what you're saying. Evidence does indeed suggest that obesity is linked with a range of adverse health outcomes. I guess we disagree on what "normalising obesity would have negative effects on society" means. Pathologising obesity certainly isn't doing us any good. It's not causing us to be happier,…
Source? For both normalising being obese and for that normalisation having negative effects on society, please.
It's really weird. It's weird to experience it, but I think I would be really freaked out if my Mom was on it. I think this is the article from last year where everyone was sharing stories of sleep-driving to McDonalds and not knowing until they woke up with their car full of burger wrappers the next day...
I get it, I really do,