
One of the biggest offenses is requiring people to invest so much on the front end in inventory before they have any proven record of ability or success. I’m surprised the FTC hasn’t filed an action against this company.

I was like 3 or 4 years in before I experienced it. Initially, my boss liked me because I called him on his bullshit. He really was my mentor and helped me pay off my student loans and buy my first house but my salary was low. It was all part of his need for control. I finally got to a point where I felt like even if

I worked for someone just like this. I stayed WAY longer than a few months (kudos to you) but I clearly relate to the PTSD effect of the verbal abuse. I got to a point where I had to steel myself every day to go in and try to be as invisible as possible. I think the verbal abuse and the submissiveness of those exposed

I agree. It seemed to get better the longer they were together but I was almost embarrassed for her when they first started dating and he always seemed to be somewhere else in their photos. I hope she finds someone deserving of that attention. He just wasn’t the right one.

I avoided knowing anything about pregnancy throughout my life because I really never planned to have kids. I got married right before I turned 40 and got pregnant immediately. I ended up having that thing where your placenta doesn’t fully come out after birth and went through the excruciating manual removal. I will

I hope you get them.

The investigation opened by the NY AG against the Weinstein Company is probably going to have the most impact because this goes straight to the heart of the problem - the enablers. And it’s against the company, not the individual. I really HOPE this tips the scales very heavily toward companies taking this more

I wonder if he wishes he’d have just faded into the woodwork now instead of threatening that lawsuit. I’m not sure it would have made a difference but it sure didn’t help.

I feel like it steps over the line. I know that’s debatable but she goes into her work product/strategy involved in her reputation. It’s not the right forum for her to dispute Kathy Griffin.

As timely as it was, I do think he was legitimately too sick. He was hospitalized right around that time and maybe even during his inauguration.

I’m actually surprised they don’t have Clinton sitting next to GHWB. They are VERY close. And by all accounts, GWB and Obama are very close. They do a lot of things/projects together that aren’t publicized.

We all push levels of this kind of crap aside and go about our days. GP wouldn’t work if she only worked in a “fair” environment. That’s part of the problem.

I am still happy that it took a noticeable dip - even if it went back up. That sends a message from consumers.

Did it really? I mean I hope this is true but I hadn’t heard anything more on the effect it had so I wasn’t sure if these were real numbers.

She really did seem manic in that video. When I originally read her comments I didn’t realize they were from a VIDEO. When I saw the video I was just taken aback by t he creepy, unnatural, HUGE smile. It was so weird and turned me off of her and anything with her name on it forever. As always, I would have respected

Someone needs to do a compilation of all of the women he assaulted at the age he assaulted them. It would definitely drive home the point about the exploitation of CHILDREN/VERY young adults. Not that it should make any difference but I do think the impact of a photo like that versus a picture of these women at their

I love everything about her statement. I LOVE that she included a picture of herself at 17 to demonstrate just how disgusting this is. I also love that she is saying this is far and wide and it needs to stop and that we can work together to put an end to this. I think about that last part all of the time. Women are

I agree with this but definitely think it’s more complicated than that. She is, more than likely, also a victim of his abuse and this may be the first opportunity she has to leave and come out ahead. I’m not saying she’s a good person but the two aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive.

I had that happen to me too. I was assaulted by a guy in our group who was getting married in a few weeks. Told the guy I liked because I didn’t want him to think I messed around with the other guy (that was my concern at the time). Every one distanced themselves from me because AWKWARD. In my case, the guy did

I can’t even imagine the emotions that Rose McGowen is going through right now. I’m not even articulate enough to run through them. I’m hoping she has a great support system in place right now.