Mino Nzinga

I hated it. Season 2 had a major narrative about how good, hard working whites end up selling drugs whereas the first season presented blacks selling drugs a perfectly natural.

I would add the NYPD Blue episode "Heart and Souls." The death of Bobby Simone left me in tears and haunted me for days.

Not really. The main difference is that Hattie was a black women.
BOAN's Mammy was also devoted to her "family," but played by white man in blackface. Black face crossdressing was popular in films & the stage until the 1920's. Griffin only cast one black woman in his films Madame Sul Tw Wan. They were said to be

A black Jesus who sacrificed himself for a white looking slave & her even whiter baby. To say Uncle Tom's Cabin is anti-racist by today's standards is ridiculous.

Slaves were the main component of the Southern wealth. They were not human but chattel.

His wife wasn't black then and as a Jamaican American, I maintain Jar Jar Binks is an obscenely racist caricature.

Birth of a Race was made as a direct response to Birth of a Nation. The production partially financed by the NAACP was a box office flop and is a lost film. Within Our Gates written, directed & produced by the first African American filmmaker Oscar Micheaux was a plea against the treatment of blacks at that time.

They were also Republicans, which never comes up when the FAUX NEWS slackjaws rant about "KKK Democrats". D. C. Stephenson Grand Dragon of the Indiana KKK was found guilty of rape & murder of a white schoolteacher in 1925.

The black police detective woman from Sleepy Hollow who met the cast at NY Comic Con may beg to differ.

Glover's work before Community was exclusively with white people. I doubt will suddenly change that because he is in Atlanta.

Danni Pudi is of Indian and Polish descent

It was the first network drama to have a black male main character. It was a spy show & Bill was suave!

CW is the Completely White Network

That is ridiculous white show runners are not going start casting black people because they have a new attitude. White show runners need to change & see people of color as complex human beings!

The person who said that was Issa Rae the creator of the podcast Awkward Black Girl which is now in development ay HBO. Check it out and you tube. It is hilarious.

The Cleveland show had a white creator, white writers & the majority of the noice talent was white. It was not a black show.

I love it when white people think they have the solution for black people, since we are too stupid to think for ourselves.

Whites began theses stereotypes hundreds of years ago. Learn some history.

Black people are not & never have been a monolith. Most if the "you don't act black enough" is from blacks who have absorbed the stereotypes propagated by Whites for 100s years. Whites still control the majority of the representations in TV & Film and they continue to disseminate the same old tired tropes. It will be

Zip Coon