Fresh Ninja

Yeah, whipping out his li'l hat and cape was an interesting new facet to the character, and a nicely understated moment of heroism. He willing to not just risk vengeance from the witches, but also opens himself up to religious bigotry from the very people he's trying to protect.

Oh, are gay people not regular? Do tell.

Now's the perfect time to stop, because ANY time is the perfect time to stop watching The Walking Dead.

I think becoming an assassin is a horrible fate for anyone, really. Sure, it looks cool on TV, but it's an awful kind of life for anyone who's not a complete monster.

Has Walking Dead done anything good besides the pilot? The first few episodes after the pilot were so excruciatingly bad I never tuned in again.

Babylon 5 did the same basic setup - civil wars and political machinations between nations while a mythic existential threat is coming at them from another direction.

That's why her storyline so far seems to be on a steady downward angle. She's become a person who has no joys left but the thought of killing.

Jorah has no big plan, he'd convinced himself Danerys would take him back and love him and all would be well if he brought her Tyrion, but of course that was just a delusion. Now he's making yet another self-destructive, deluded big gesture in the hopes of convincing her that she loves him.
He's a creepy stalker

Either, but really, yes.

No, it's for evil fucking.

Didn't do that either…

No, logically he or she doesn't. All it takes is multiple reviews with incompatible interpretations presented as obviously true. Which, if any of them, the commenter adheres to doesn't matter for the original comment.

No, but I feel that's what the comment implied.

That's why democratic systems generally elect single leaders for crisis management. Sometimes they're called something like a governor or chancellor.

During the fight one of the Sand Snakes tries to drag her away instead of stabbing her then and there, though. That doesn't seem congruent with your reading.

I don't think the show tried to present Danerys and Drogo as entirely… healthy.

…because obesity isn't something that happens in the US, right?

I think you've badly misread this comment. Nowhere does the commenter claim to know the "one, true message".

C'est wahr.

I dunno, I've encountered that kind of sick attitude in all walks of life, not just in insular, male-dominated gaming and SF/Fantasy cliques.