
May I offer my “head up my ass” opinion as to why?

Yes. This.


Yup, and said iconography was influenced by the Byzantine art. More movie and tv shows need to be done about the Byzantine empire. It would be a costumer’s dream.

It is absolutely disgusting that religious entities whine about GLBT folks getting “special rights” to not be fired or evicted, when they’re the privileged ones.

Seriously, how did religion become a “get out of jail free” card for illegal and unethical behavior? We don’t accept “my religion tells me to kill non-believers” as an excuse for murder. We don’t make laws saying it’s okay to rob or rape or torture someone if your sincerely held religious belief is that they deserve

Yes, definitely from Love and Rockets! They’re super good, get after it!

cis hetero men are afraid of gay men because they believe gay men will treat them the way they treat women. cis hetero men are afraid of gay men because they believe gay men will treat them the way they treat women. cis hetero men are afraid of gay men because they believe gay men will treat them the way they treat

I so liked Taylor Swift but she’s too much after the This Sick Beat bullshit. Remember the time Kanye interrupted your speech by getting on stage and halting the show? What in the goddamn world makes you think you have that kind of control that the man who said “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” while

#NineLivesMatter I will see myself out now.

When you said that Batman has become a meme, it made me realize that I hate him for the same reasons I hate the fucking Chuck Norris meme bullshit. They bore me. “Because he’s Batman” is not an answer to everything. Simply including Batman in your story has become lazy writing.

even just logically; how the fuck does that work?

Well if you pay them enough sex workers will say anything, Senator.

Wow. The expressions on her face. I’ve never seen this before, thank you for sharing. (It’s cool that there’s a renewed interest in Nina. There’s that new documentary out “What Happened , Miss Simone. And the silly paint commercial reminded me of how much I love “Color is a Wonderful Thing”. Complicated woman and

There is something truly evil about book banning. It’s selfish, controlling and obscene as far as I’m concerned. It’s the battlefield of small minded pearl clutchers who should be soundly ignored instead of catered to. If you don’t like a book? Don’t read it. Don’t you dare try and remove it from others to read.

Even in Martial Chronicles, involving martian exploration, the science is mere engineering along the lines as existed in reality and other soft sci-fi of its time.

Thanks, but I’m just about done taking political advice from dead white guys.

Living for Pearl's face and attitude. But my quote of the episode has to be "No T, no shade, no pink lemonade"

Hiram McDaniels should be in more D&D campaigns.