Why do you keep calling me a sexist? Is that just your go to insult when you have nothing else to say?
Why do you keep calling me a sexist? Is that just your go to insult when you have nothing else to say?
Amazing how long you'll drag this butthurt from people not liking your idol (Sarah Silverman) as much as you.
Ha! That's grand. Go cry some more.
Go suck a black dick.
because they couldn't give a fuck less about black people
America 2000000... - Africa 0
Good one.
Yeah, I bet you love when your cat shits in your mouth.
Cool story.
Man you try hard.
That's not what "trolling" is, but okay! Needless to say it was you who first initiated conversation with me on the Taylor swift post.
Says the guy constantly responding...
You're really letting me down now. Looks like you ran out of material. I'm tired of "jumping" also.
Someone's getting riled up. Careful, don't raise your blood pressure too much, neckbeard.
I bet you can't wait to adopt kids (let's face it, no one wants to procreate with you) so you can beat them.
:( This man needs stars! Please, someone?
Brb, gotta go walk my dogZ
Looks like I struck a nerve. Keep on trolling Jezebel though, I'm sure the people you reply to are really "bothered" by you.