
I hate that, though; it implies that curvy women must be plus-sized, which isn’t really true. There are plus-sized woman that aren’t particularly curvy, and curvy women that aren’t particularly plus-sized.

Given that some locations at the time gave husbands automatic control of their wives property, I’d say he’s a catch.

“with limited means” seeks “with means at command.”

I remember when Walt Whitman shot all those people from the tower.

That’s really interesting. Do you have a citation about the higher victimization rate of the men?

ok fucking, common sense people. NORTH AMERICA. Do people thing that indigenous people just STOPPED at the border of Canada?

also apparently the dude is a troll so

“I was just as unaware that Canada had Aboriginals”


Dismissing is only an option on replies to you. It doesn’t work on anyone else.

1. 100 years ago, Protestant Irish were considered white but Catholic Irish weren’t. Bigotry against members of a religious group and against members of a perceived race can intersect.

Hey all- remember to flag/dismiss trolls instead of engaging.

0/10. nice try.

Considering the fact that you just that Islam is incompatible with modern society, I would say you probably agree with Zimmerman more than you realize. You’re a hateful bigot just like this asshole here.

How’d that go?

Bigotry is bigotry. Parsing racism from xenophobia from Islamophobia is trying to distance yourself from people you consider to be bigots while defending your own bigotry. Zimmerman is not using the term “dirty Muslim” because he has concerns about theology. Calling dark people “dirty” is about the oldest play in the

It’s where racists are allowed to talk about how racism doesn’t exist without being called racists.

When I was a a flight attendant, it was always the adults that caused the most problems. Always. You don't pay for the seat behind you. If you don't want to fly with babies and children, then fly private. Oh, can't fly private? Then maybe stay home with your grandma and save the rest of us from your little passive

Choosing public transportation and then crying about it being public is fucking silly.

Then assholes like you are ignored by people with kids and that’s it. No point in trying not to annoy someone who is annoyed at kids, period.

Well no one the plane gives two fucks about you either darling.