
The Obama’s installed the clapper for him right before they left, but no one accounted for the fact that his small hands cannot make enough noise to activate it.

Pete Souza wins again.

Regrettably, this has been around for a long time.

Before he left, Biden removed the outlet in the Cabinet room, patched, and painted over the hole.

If anyone wants to know if he’s heard of the article (b/c we know he can’t read) then just see his tweets this morning about the fake media and how he “calls the shots”. Projecting again. The only satisfaction I have is that he’s humiliated by the fact that everyone thinks he either can’t read or is too incompetent to

also...Jean Ralphio is pretty self aware.

Yeah, my late grandfather referred to this as “Stupid Proud.” It was what he called folk that know they are being stupid but nonetheless decide to power through rather than acknowledge any need for a helping hand/change of behavior.

We’re gonna send that nuke to Taaaaaajiiikastaaaaaaaaaan!!!

The article felt kind of Shakespearean- dude wants nothing more than love and respect, so much so he runs for President thinking that it’ll be the sure-fire way he’ll get love and respect. But upon becoming President, he finds himself neither loved or respected and is instead mainly alone, by himself, watching Cable

Ha ha! But probably more like:

I bet Joe had something to do with this. He probably just unscrewed all the bulbs so none of the switches appear to work.

I am hoping that before they left, the Obama’s installed in the White House three animatronic ghosts programmed to visit Trump on Christmas Eve.

Basically, a Jean-Ralphio who is in charged of our nuclear codes.

Every word of that article is straight up amazing. Donald Trump is trapped in a Being There remake of his own making.

So it never occurred to anyone to ask the White House staff how to turn on the lights?

it looks like he’s trying to smuggle a wrench

He's an American. Not every American has an english-sounding name.