Smiling Spock

"We're from the further, further, further future."

That was great. Simple story, yet brilliant execution.

Never saw that movie but those deaths were hilarious.

Overthought himself to death, and he didn't need to die! He could've joined Roberts like his colleagues!

He did sound bored.

She couldn't get the time off from work.

As much as I absolutely love that movie, I have to admit that the only part that ever really bothered me was the bit at the very end, when Willy Wonka tells Charlie he can come live in the factory and Grandpa Joe immediately chimes in "And me!" Such a dick thing to say really.

I saw the first Ace Ventura movie in theaters and have probably watched it a hundred times since. To quote Micheal Keaton's Betelguese, " keeps getting funnier...EVERY, TIME, I SEE IT!!"

Gotham would be there too if only they'd kill off Jada Pinkett Smith.

Sorry but I was not impressed. Her fiddle playing was nice but the whole video seemed a bit contrived.

That was the best part of the video IMO.

Sweet! Will I be able to play Halo 5 which is the only reason I'm even considering buying an Xbox One?

I'm counting on it. Love movies like that. Thanks for the recommendation.


Recommended for Clint Howard alone.

Why have I never watched this before!? That opening alone was enough to pique my interest. Invokes memories of Heavy Traffic and Bamboozled.