This is the first one of these videos I've ever actually watched and I have to say it was pretty hilarious.
This is the first one of these videos I've ever actually watched and I have to say it was pretty hilarious.
This one caused me to laugh out loud immediately. Bravo sir. Bravo.
Definitely peaked my interest.
Battle Nun: "Do you know what B.O.C. stands for son?"
Okay, that was very, very funny.
Young Jack Black is totally radical!
"Now hol' up a second dere chief!" I'm sure they could have put out a casting call but judging by the production values in this video I just don't think it was in the budget. If I had a nickel for every white person I've encountered that claims they don't have black friends or that I was their first one well, I'd have…
I actually lol'd at the black face...and I'm black. The rest of it looked pretty awful. Sorry internetz.
What has been seen. Can not be unseen.
I like how the guy tried to fly away on whatever pokemon that was.
So wait, are you saying that that rape joke wasn't funny?
Good, then we're in agreement.
This is going to be absolutely amazing!
Well come on pal, I'm sure there are things funnier but it was only a short clip so we gotta be patient.
Yeah it was like one was in 2D and the other was like, in...uh...some sort of other D? Wait...?
"Hey, you know what The Simpsons needs? More rape jokes."
Lol! Yeah that joke was priceless! I love that whole bit. Although even I had to stifle a laugh during a dead baby joke they once made. Mainly cause the chick I was watching that particular episode with had actually lost a baby a decade before. So yeah, didn't want to seem too insensitive.
The Cleveland show was awesome. Even more awesome if you grew up black in the 80's.