@seven5suited: I'm wondering what would have happened if the cop was attacked by the guy when he either entered the home illegally or while the cop was attempting to handcuff the guy.
@seven5suited: I'm wondering what would have happened if the cop was attacked by the guy when he either entered the home illegally or while the cop was attempting to handcuff the guy.
@FrankenPC: I find that the WD is easy to transport and fits anywhere you put it. Thus you can take it to a friends house, vacation, different rooms with relative easy. In addition it has more support for various formats that the PS3 doesn't at this time. WD Live has youtube, pandora, flickr, etc. It really depends on…
@iwhat: What are you talking about? For both the original and new WD Live has had at least 3-5 updates of varying degrees (bug fixes, new features, etc.) Even the original one just had an update around 8 months ago.
@Serolf Divad: She should have court costs added on as well as any other citations possible for her ignorant and blatantly B.S. excuse.
@Scoutch_has.a.job!: The number of spaces has nothing to do with this at all. Yes there is a required number of handicapped spaces per parking lot spaces. The violation can be contested through arbitration usually.
@oddseth: I agree that this woman is completely in the wrong and should be have the ticket price doubled/tripled for the time and expense of the court, etc. She should have court costs added on just to make a point,
@Brian: Cogito Ergo ZOOM!: Just to clarify something you stated, any timing devices can be widely inaccurate even if calibrated properly (laser and radar if calibrated properly are fine but other timing devices are definantly not). Timing devices have been proven to be anywhere from 5-15% discrepancy when timing a…
@the real that guy dave: Also it wasn't stolen property since the device was left by the original owner. It wasn't like the person picked thew guy's pocket or took it while he wasn't looking.
@jodaboda: To answer both of your questions: yes it can be done with regards to both of your questions. Especially the first one more easily then the second.
@Alessar: uPNP can be used for many things including what you already listed. benjt is just spreading false information.
@karatecarrot: Sadly the attitude by older drivers or anybody for that matter against anyone that drives a sports car, etc and can legally park in a handicap space is all to common.
@Tony Bullard Jr: I don't know of one area that Apple is actually open source in. Everything about Apple ic closed and restrictive especially things that they have a vested interest in. Even the App store is very closed and restrictive beyond any other company including Adobe. Jobs and Apple are a text book definition…
First of all horsepower is just one part of the equation more importantly then HP is Torque and then traction(suspension, differential, tires, etc).
@Mike Cerm: The one thing your missing in the free with low quality vs high quality with price debate is that there are plenty of open source video formats that are equal to/on par with the H.264 format. I'm surprised that google, mozilla, etc. haven't tried to go that route instead of the B.S. surrounding the…