It is a high smug producing vehicle.
It is a high smug producing vehicle.
[This is the place where a second person is supposed to add some dickish snark about how poorly edited the website is, ignoring the fact that we continue reading it and it doesn’t actually cost anything. Something something gawker something.]
Edited the headline but didn’t fix this:
...aren’t all jet skis motorized?
That’s the one where they teach you how to count your pennies to know if you can eat or pay rent that week, right?
Parking on a hill, or the incredibly tiny chance, vastly blown out of proportion by the commenters here, that you will park on a tiny incline and not notice, your parking pin will fail, and your car will roll into a nuclear missile silo, unintentionally launching a nuke at Moscow and starting WW3.
“I know exactly what you’re doing!” he said
True, but you hand someone Gran Turismo and tell them to play using only the D-Pad!
Sony should have one-upped Nintendo by selling “memory cards” full of games on top of the 20 baked in.
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
GM Minivans/U bodies. Chevy Uplander/Buick Terraza/Saturn Relay. They are the essence of GM giving up while the factory still churned them out. While Cavaliers, Avengers etc are bad, at least they were *cheap* and somewhat *economical*. U-Bodies was a 20 year old platform with a $30K+ pricetag with wall to wall, badge…
Because look at it. I’d rather ride a scooter.
Any entry level Jeep, i.e. Compass & Liberty;
This is absolutely the answer. GM sold so goddamn many of them, and when the customers drove them off the lot they lost resale value and dignity.
100% the J bodies. End of thread.
Well look at Mr. I Can Have a Box of Oreos in the House Without Eating Them All in One Sitting over here.
I have never seen an article take so long to say something so simple. Goodness.
That’s cool and stuff but also the screens look ridiculous. Gotta be a better way to integrate them.
“What do you mean I can’t take them on the plane? These are my emotional support maggots.”
Shitting at work is a goddamned inalienable right. I'm pretty sure that's why we have unions.