
Perhaps some tactical pocket sand?

Its amazing to see Oscar Meyer still up to their wacky antics!

David, I want to commend you for posting an article as well as a video!

I dont know if this would work, but ive always been curious about it.

Because they look stupid? And take up more space.

It’s always so disappointing to expect to read a nice article only to find a video posted instead...

Maybe he hates corvairs so much he gets enjoyment from watching them slowly die on his property. Regardless, its none of your business. Its sad to see you project your own opinions on this mans life.

Came here for this, did not leave dissapointed.

Came for this. Did not leave disappointed.

Upstate New York, Capital District :( Willing to travel though! Maybe the Lane Auto Museum, i’ve been itching to go after seeing the wacky cars Jason has shown us.
Yank out a hank of hair? XD This is what im talking about! Always puts a smile on my face.
Keep it up!

Also, what do I gotta do to meet Jason in person? I swear everything he comes up with is gold! Posts, videos, comments. Has yet to let me down.
A new video segment? Take commenters (maybe cotd?) and have them ride shotgun on a Jason Drives video?

Thank you for the clarification on how this silly system works! I’ve been wondering when ill be un-greyed for the longest time :C

How do you guys come up with the nice price/crack pipe for the day? I had a suggestion the other day after scowering craigslist, searched high and low on the site and couldn’t find any way to send a suggestion in other than say, commenting. But my comments seem to always be gray, figured nobody would see it :(

Why does it require two power bricks? That seems like the biggest flaw to me. Sometimes its damn near impossible to find 2 open plugs, let alone 2 open plugs with the same vacinity.
What really drove home how stupid this laptop is, is the comparison to the Macbook Air.
I have a large gaming laptop, an Asus ROG. But

My god that is a gorgeous car, wish they still made them like this :(

The Flex is one of the ugliest cars to come out in recent years..but the inside is so redeeming. The first time I had to ride in one I fell in love! There is so much room, its smooth, its quiet, comfortable. The sunroofs are great, there is so much glass. The exterior is so awful though.

Thats awesome! Why dont they do stuff like this anymore? Ive got a full size spare riding underneath the bed of my pickup collecting tons of dirt and road grime and what have you.

I wish Jason did audio things, whether its narrating a scene or providing an audio book. What would especially be great if the Lane auto museum had a audio tour provided by Torch. Just imagine all the wacky antics and he describes the crazy sights before you. His videos, his articles, everything he produces is gold.

Glad to hear! Why did I get that comment three times though?

Sure, sure. Blame it on the editors :P