
@DennyCraneDennyCraneDennyCrane: You're forgetting that people don't necessarily gravitate towards the facts... We go for the truthiness of it all. We go for the humourous side of things. Yes, he's done more in his life than I'm likely to (although, so far as I know, I've still got time to do something amazingly

... and here i was wondering if there was a Speak And Spell app...

@NomisGnos: ... this is actually chuck norris in disguise, that's his beard. it can transform as the chuck wills it. roundhouse kick to the museum!

I have looked at the web page holding the information portal for Suzette. I find it very hard to understand how someone would mistake her for a robot or computer program. She is so smart and interesting. What is the most interesting thing you've done in the past? Mine would be when I was younger. I was watching

@medrick: You're right.. I apologize profusely, Dethklok is the band, Metalocalypse is the TV show (featuring the band)....

@slaine17: Would that not be Metalocalypse?

@Shtick: It feels foreign now... but imagine if you were started in on "up" being jump?

@wanderingrabbi: Some people really like to get their freak on. This guy, he likes dressing up in women's clothing and playing guitar... in all honesty, there's nothing TOO freaky about that. In our "modern society", that's rather tame compared to a lot of the things that people do....

@wanderingrabbi: ... you're new to the internet, aren't you? Unfortunately, remember that the majority of people are closet freaks and weirdo's (each in our own way).

@Yournamehere!: Your pet wolf should take care of them nicely... unless you mean for food?

@Yournamehere!: Good god man, what are you going to use them for? You know the birch bark we all write on can't support them for long!

Now, I want each and every one of you to go out and play Bioshock. When the little sisters start yelling "No Mr. Bubbles, NO!", try to NOT think of this guy.

@Yournamehere!: Soon we're going to legalize VCRs, adopt the 24 hour clock, and maybe even stop having the annual Toronto Polar Bear Hunt.

@Onslaught Six: I'll buy the Duke Nukem Forever theme when the game comes out... You just brought back a whole lot of great memories from high school. OK, some of the only ones, but still, it was great.

@starspider: You mean sometimes they race in the other direction too?

@oogabubchub: Perhaps... but I have no stickers on the back of my car. To me, it just lowers the resale value of the car.

I'd be interested in seeing how many people actually 1) Change their avatar once they've setup, 2) Pay for avatar items (Clothing / accessories), and 3) pay for themes / gamer pictures. And then I'd like to see those figures broken down into country, age group, and play style (Casual vs Hardcore gamers, # hours per

@barrywoods: Yes, but that's physical failure. What of software issues?

I'm scared of my system, and I'm running 4x1TB WD Blue drives in a RAID-0+1 configuration... I had one drive go bad - no issues with the rebuild. But I also had my entire system backed up to an external drive (Which is 2x1.5TB RAID-1'd - some data is not as essential, and I'm not using the full 2TB available to me).