
It's just pornographic. Every time I see this car I can't get over how cleanly executed it is top to bottom. Beautiful.

Mazda MX6

I'd just sell the hood and drive the rest of the car as is for free!

Thanks for enlightening us dude

You're a dick.

Sweet rain visors.

Also one of the redeeming qualities of the V6 Mustang... and the Mustang GT... and all new Mustangs...


Makes total sense!

Wow. I wonder how many times he got pulled over and had to explain that to the officer. IDK if it makes him the man, or a mega-douche.

Really!?! That seems very un-US. Does the car have to be crash certified in the US and everything? Like could a Japanese national bring an R34 for a year without any craziness?

I don't understand why I don't understand how to download these images in high resolution. I'm an IT guy. What the hell?

What are they looking for?

IDK, on the road, I'd assume any Tercel would be sleepy. Especially ones with blinged out rims and ricey exhaust systems. But then again as soon as you hear that BOV...

Tow hook

My 06 GTI did this too. It was good on a really hot day I could open the windows from inside the house so it would only be super hot in the car instead of mega-ultron hot in the car.

As did I.

I'll tell you what, I was thinking about buying this car, but now? TOTALLY not buying it.

I appreciate your enthusiasm!!  This is definitely one of my top contenders for used performance vehicle.