
Right, keep shifting all over the place and ignoring my reasonable replies.

lol what a lame threat. Get over yourself.

It was about half my life ago, I thought he was literally named after the famous SCOTUS justice.

Like I said below, it's been more than a few years since I saw that ToH.

Thanks for the link, awesome story.

I don't get why the AVC is so hell-bent on promoting Schumer this season while ignoring Maron's third season—still in play and is in its prime. The fifth and ninth episodes are particularly strong.

It's been more than a few years since I've seen that ToH.

Never heard that one. Note I did upvote the Kodos reference.

Thanks for the correction. I forget how large the Democrat field was—something like 7-8 candidates during the fiasco of a debate.

Thanks, that was a great uplift during my insomnia.


Really? I'd love to know dates and look them up on Yahoo Comics.

Waterson received a box of unsolicited Hobbes plushies and his head exploded. There was never any official merchandising.

Breathed foresaw the advent of the Snuggie.

Doonesbury, The Knight Life, Toles, Rall, Frazz.

Oliver Wendall Holmes hacking CBS news with his Banana PC by guessing the password was "Dan Rather is a turnip" still sticks in my mind.

Hart was supposed to be the man but got derailed by some stupid sex scandal. Maybe I'm thinking of 1988, but I do recall Phil Donohue hosting the Democrats' debate and turning into a mockery of a talk show.

Actually. the turn-out in 1984 was ridiculously high.

I see you're a big fan of the two-party system . That's been working for the Republic really well for some time now.

In 1981 my mother made a copy of Opus and we used it to top off the Christmas tree.