
uhhhhhhh, how is master chief family friendly?????????????????????????????????

FINALLY samurai shodown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you know....nevermind......

that's what makes the world of conan fun, WTF GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in for 5!!!!!!!!!!!!

well, I have to admit I do kill the prostitutes after "doing the do" but not because there woman BUT because I want me freaking money back (and then some). It's a harsh reality but for me it's about the cold hard CASH!!!!!!!

i really liked the the new movie, the only thing I thought was really corny was him hiding in the fridge to save himself from the nuke, COME ON!!!!!!! Although him standing there looking at the mushroom cloud was REALLY COOL, i want that as a wallpaper for my PC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


hey, sometimes it pays off to be paranoid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ughhhh, OK!!!!!!!!!!!

how much do you want to bet that Microsoft brings out some kind of home/mii hybrid/clone thing before home comes out!????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i couldn't get into this game I really tried but it was just meh to me.