21 seasons.... I feel extremely old right now. It doesn’t help that I watched season 1 for the first time on a VHS tape my sister recorded for me when she was in college.
21 seasons.... I feel extremely old right now. It doesn’t help that I watched season 1 for the first time on a VHS tape my sister recorded for me when she was in college.
Kinja is asking permission to access your account.
Well I had written something up about how this was not nearly as cool as the Simpsons one but then my phone restarted when I hit publish. Sure it could be something weird with my phone, but let’s just assume it was Kinja.
This will be awesome for people who don’t have Hulu.
And if you read it backwards it’s a great recipe for a lentil stew.
Kids today.
Viewing replies to my comments has become a chore.
“Kinja was never good”
Wait a minute, if you rearrange the letters of Caitlin Rosberg it spells “James T. Kinja,” the founder of Kinja.com!
There’s only 88 posts at the time of posting this and two things pop out immediately