Bill Hendry

I don’t think it can be pointed out often enough the degree to which the NFL, in actuality, does not give a shit about the military but uses the partnership for 1) profit and 2) so that all the military nomenclature that is shit out the mouths of the Bucks and Nantzes of the world of a thin veneer of support from the

Sucks when people call you names based on your outward appearances, dosen’t it?

A Jay Gruden fat joke? Now that’s an offensive line that RGIII can really get behind.

What she meant was “Stick to sports as long as the people talking sports support my own fundamentalist narrow minded bigoted political ideology”

“Those bastards in Bristol are ruining everything,” Palin continued. “I’ll be babysitting every weekend ‘til I’m fucking 75 years old at this rate.”

“Now...where was I on the ESPN thing....oh right, Curt Schilling...”

I just read this over on ESPN. Holy shit was an awful job by them.

I want angry cats to pee in their hair while they sleep. What utter bastards.

Do these people think that’s a teaching moment? Like “oh, I’ll show you, server person, with this super unnecessary comment on the check”? Because all it teaches me, folks, is that the world would be better off if you were eaten by dragons.

“Seriously, you guys,” Kelly pleaded obnoxiously, without a hint of his own inherent privilege. “All hits matter.”

It’s a scene we’ve seen before: Robert Griffin III, lying motionless on the turf as he’s attended to by Washington’s

Mental health issues can be terrible. You inevitably feel like it’s you vs. yourself.

I do not think that the world is in any danger of running out of people who believe winning is the only thing worth

I knew one of you silly fuckers would show up eventually, sort of a whiny MRA manbaby point position.


This isn’t trolling. This is an example of how Target should handle complaints. When people believe stupid shit, they need to be called on it, not coddled.

I've shared this story before, but it fits in well here, too.