
Spend enough time googling “tacos” or “pasta” and eventually you’ll be served ads for Latin or Italian restaurants. Spend enough time driving to Latin or Italian restaurants and eventually, your car might soon serve ads and offer recommendations.

True. But now Satire only has eight lives left.

Watch SpaceX Launch Explode Its Experimental Internet Satellites Live Right Here [Update: Launch Explosion Postponed Until Tomorrow]

Holy moly that’s a lot of money to burn on junk.

There’s a drinking song in there somewhere...

I’m having trouble visualizing what a cleanse with those geese looks like. So far I can only sodomize myself with two at a time. The whole bin is out of the question.


“actually a giant intergalactic spaceship created by an even more powerful, benevolent alien race called the Ancients”

like squeezable yogurt, apple slices, and juice...

I think you can take some comfort in the fact that the rest of the world is on the same page as you and every leader around the world says the following to themselves, “Just three more years and he’ll be gone. We better be able to tolerate stupid for three years or we aren’t worthy of being the leaders of our

Your real problem is that laughably tiny work area you call a “kitchen.” If you want to cook for real, then you need: Counter space. Lots and lots of counter space. Yeah, the number of dishes will be the same, but you’ll have the room to work.

I’ll take your Rafael Barba raise you one ADA Erin Reagan.

Unfortunately, this transitions Amazon from a possible monopoly to an actual monopoly (vertical). Whether the Attorney General decides to file a rare monopoly suit in court against Amazon and force the company to break up remains to be seen.

Huh. I read the whole article the same way and never noticed “Vaporwave” either. I’d prefer calling it “Vaporwack” because you have to either be wack or on wack to like this stuff.

LOL. They all knew that no one else knew the answers to those questions. It’s called strategy: You get to pause briefly knowing that no one will buzz in, which will throw them off on the next category. If they do buzz in and answer correctly, you know that you were screwed anyway. If they buzz in and answer

Now playing

Glueballs are particles that consist solely of gluons that are extremely hard to measure, but are predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics.

Has that ever stopped anyone before?

The first time I heard about Bitcoin, I said, “Oh puhleeze.” I know how crypto works and this is stupid. Then I heard how GPUs were being wasted on the idea and said, “Please go away now.”