
“Lead, according to the CEH, can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, and (in men) lowered sperm count.”

Harley-Davidson: If you want to target my demographic, then build the Elio we never got. You can do everything right where the Elio ultimately failed.

To get through math class. The math teacher allowed students who could write their own software to bring in tools they wrote on their own for their graphing calculators into math tests.

Correct! AOL is the reason we have to deal with the technical support nightmare we have today: No training required to access the Internet. Just get on and do whatever.

“He added there is a small chance chunks of the station weighing up to 220 pounds (100 kilograms) could remain intact and hit the ground at high speed.”

Well, get ready, because another security breach appears to have happened:

Not gonna lie. I laughed.


Battery swelling is a GOOD thing. That means that the safety mechanisms built into the battery saved it from exploding into a ball of fire in your pocket or setting your home on fire!

Future Me: You know, I used to visit this place called Gizmodo.

THIS is the Christmas movie that needs to be made. I’d watch it.

The way this type of article ceases to exist is if we require our elected officials to not obtain money for their campaigns.

“Fukushima’s Radioactive Waste Is Leaking From an Unexpected Source”

DDT *almost* completely eradicated bed bugs back in the 1950's and 60's. Now they’ve developed resistance to most pesticides, including DDT, and they are back with a vengeance.

What’s a buttload of Echo gadgets even look like?

Hey guys, I’ve found the best controller for playing games:

Chait who?

The real problem is the person they brought in to own the project: The CEO. He’s clearly an airhead at best.

You know all those disaster movies that Hollywood makes?