
“This delicious oil, in addition to bringing salads and bread to life, can be used in cooking, as an effective paint and grease remover

If schools taught proper money management, he wouldn’t have this problem. It would have been hammered into him when he was young.

I wouldn’t say “immune” but “less likely to be penetrated”. Nothing is immune given enough time passes. When was the last time you updated your firmware on your DD-WRT router? There have probably been patches for vulnerabilities released...

Watch out, I got put in the greys for going after Giz over this...commenting hell awaits you.

I dunno. Maybe melt down some York Peppermint Patties and pour it over the popcorn so you get some chocolate too. I’ve seen weirder things on popcorn before.

Ah. I finally got the dreaded “Please whitelist our site - we’ve detected your ad blocker” message. I then proceeded to lie. “I’ve whitelisted”


“space fans apparently make more money with their code than tab fans.”

I didn’t get that. I’m running uBlock Origin AND Ghostery. Droppin’ ads and trackers because drive by MALWARE is abundant on ALL ad networks everywhere. You simply can’t trust anyone to correctly deliver an ad unit. And, assuming there is someone that can, 99% of the rest can’t be bothered.

Two words: Fart apps.

Dey’re evaluatin’ da puddin’ pops!

According to BMI, I have less than 1% body fat and shouldn’t even be alive to write this comment.

“Thee haveth this remarkable opportunity to recant thy ways or be burneth at the stake.” - The Catholic Church

ParkedCar=(RND Car (Region1/TimePeriod1)Car)

Okay, I’m impressed. And my general view of cars is that cars/trucks are unnecessarily expensive, heavy bricks on wheels. No, I’m not a convert to the craft nor ever will be. But I admire passion. This guy is VERY passionate about his craft and it shows and that’s impressive. He seems fairly humble too - like the

Welcome to Gawkinjamodo.

“At both later trials, all but two birds remembered and picked the fair experimenter”

Before cross-posting to the Gizmodo ENGLISH website, please consider these two things:

‘“Smell like a warrior princess with the Amazon fragrance from Marmol & Son”’