
might be just slightly overkill to never throw away old hard drives....

There is a whole world of tool-less campfire cooking out there... which many boyscouts can tell you about...

play around with loan amortization schedules... Here is a link to a template provided by microsoft: []

crazy respect. Not the best choice of equipment for securing the cargo, but the fact that he managed to rig that up at all is kind've impressive.


While I can understand leaving Houston, I am having a hard time why you would leave Texas. Do you really find it so easy to leave the lone star state?

but everything is better now.

some feelings may have been hurt...

such hard work...

and more!

I see your sexy nsx car washing, and raise you more sexy nsx car washing (in higher res, no less!)

and ditch the smoked lenses too... NSX has a sexy rear end, even with virgin lights.

hard to turn doesn't even come close to describing it....

documenting the information and making available for folks is one thing, and distribution that information widely - much like all the gawker blogs do with their reposting of 3rd party content - may result in irresponsible sharing of unintended audiences... like juvenile delinquints.

I wish I could promote this...

The best IT story comes from the 'magic/more magic' switch:

Of course the assumption is that luxury buyers must be smart to have that kind've money....

censoring an article like this does not prevent creative minds from finding a solution, but it just might prevent a 14 year old from think "that's super easy!" and trying it with his/her friends in a store when they might not have focused their efforts on such delinquincy only days earlier.

While this is an interesting article, and inspires some thought, i ultimately have to disagree with the advice... particularly since it may only apply to an unknown number of knife blocks.

lifehacker cross post....