
"Most" is a sketchy assumption, which I assume you have very little to support.

The apparent reason is that he locked his front wheel while braking into the turn.

Is there something odd about a company diversifying their operations?

See how burning wax has been shown to be bad for your health, I think it is fair to say that EVERY candle smells like death.

74mm in size.... this has nothing to do with Golf... except for the fact that their promotional video uses a golf course.

Finally added the features I missed when I left the world of Blackberry.

My dog is a shelter rescue, that was approx. 2 years old, and has a life expectancy of 12 years. Doing some rough math (similar to your link, I'm sure), I expect my total cost over ownership to be ~ $14,000 over that 10 year period.

it is not just the accidental alarms, but also the stupid reasons for calling the cops...

locks only keep out lazy people.

Me: "...every few years..."

vehicle rolled... pretty sure the structural integrity of everything glass is compromised by a decent rollover.

if you can't afford the shipping, then you probably can't afford the costs of owning a dog... every few years I have to go to the vet for a problem, and end up paying $600+

With each breath you take you expel moisture. Anti-fogging solutions work to change the surface tention... or something like that... to discourage water vapor from beading on the surface.

I think we are in basic agreement then.

Several folks in my area are selling D70s bodies on craigslist for ~$200... D200 bodies for ~$350....

I think they just hate you because you (1) drive an HHR, and (2) spent money customizing an HHR.

yeah.... massively informational charts aren't bad unless the speaker actually intends to go over all the details with the slide as the only reference.

You are assuming that the pedestrian is protected from stupidity, and this is WRONG. In states/cities with reasonable laws (most of them), it is not the drivers fault for a pedestrian to jump in front of their moving vehicle without adequate warning. This is called SUICIDE.

Since they were the last one to accelerate away from the intersection, I would definitely say they were distracted.... doesn't mean though that the mother shouldn't have yielded for the fact that cars were clearly moving through the crosswalk she decided to run into.

They have the 'right of way', but that does not mean you will be cited for a pedestrian jumping in front of a moving vehicle...