@Manly McBeeferton: private flight... therefor the security procedures are more lax, and also the plane can't be used as a terrorist weapon...
@Manly McBeeferton: private flight... therefor the security procedures are more lax, and also the plane can't be used as a terrorist weapon...
@Gïmmï Mørgäikköŋëŋ: agreed... I really don't understand that grill. I think I prefer the large square openings instead of the 'gutter gaurd' appearance.
@Crash Bandihoon: unfortunately, I think the cars being identified as 'unsafe' is because they lack dividers/stab plates for the driver's safety...
@Robert Fletcher: sweden?
@Baby Beater Benz, freshly unemployed: speed camera.... so he likely didn't know he was being caught speeding until after all the 'crimes' were committed.
@snap_understeer_ftw: With Hofman's insurance paying out, I am guessing that the insurance will then turn around and pursue Knobloch if they think he has enough to cover the legal costs.
@wætherman: would you prefer that they make the plane a structurally unstable box rather than a tube?
A point of consideration for the author...
@Slash3: of course... how else do you avoid paying royalties?
@akumadiavolo: I can access facebook at work... yet several IT websites are blocked as being potentially malicous....
@HK-47: entertaining, but not very original....
on a related note: why does my PC fail to recover from Hibernation so often?
wtf Jesus? why does a homeless guy with a laptop mean that there is something wrong with the world?
@tomsomething: my BU charge code is 90002. Just put "catering" in the details field, and you should be good.
@tomsomething: all fine and good except that most folks don't earn hourly wages to the tune of $200/hr. So unless you are a consultant, or contract worker, the consideration is different.
@tomsomething: of course, if you are salaried, it isn't like you can be earning more money by working of the weekend vs. cleaning the house...
you sir, look like a tool.
LaHood would flip if he saw me talking on my cell phone while driving in stop-and-go traffic during rush hour with laptop on my dashboard....
@smuengr08: and yet, when the wind blows the right way, it smells like chemicals in the parking lot when I visit the campus.
@Woozle Wozzle: yet here is the amazing thing - most patent attorneys are extremely well educated individuals with engineer and science degrees to provide a technical background supporting the legal education....