Fredryk Marquez

I kinda see both spaces as places for squares to talk through ideas that have been traditionally on the margins but now coming into the focus of mainstreams audiences. Unfortunately, these ideas are co-opted to fit the conservative window of the mainstream (thus, their relevance as a method to progressive ends has

Sounds like the crying of liberal snowflakes looking for a “safe space.”

Pfft. Typical Gawker leftist propaganda.


Get out of here with this liberal propaganda trash!

Take down this libtard trash.

Liberal garbage written by establishment elites.

Am I the only person that doesn’t use store/restaurant free WiFi? Hotel WiFi is the only WiFi I’ll use outside of my home and office. Do people really use the free WiFi at stores all that much? Serious question.

Best Kotaku article I’ve ever read, along with a valuable life lesson.

I come from a place where toll booths don’t exists, I find it pretty exotic.

That’s why I do most of my travel with Bing Streetside.

Talk shit, get hit. She can join richard Spencer in the nazi puncher hall of fame.

I went to a private school because racial tensions were running high in the public school system when I was young (early 1990's). My parents couldn’t afford it, but they weren’t about to have a dead child on their hands so they did what they felt was right.

Only wypepo in america thinks that “never hit no matter what a person says to you” bullshit. And they’ve used that shit on us for 400 years, while THEY have killed, raped, maimed, jailed, cop-killed us for 400 years.

Eh, I grew up in a violent household and 99.9999% believe men should never hit women, but in this case that bitch deserved it IMO. Fuck racists and bigots. If your ideology considers other people to be sub-human and beneath you then that is a violent ideology that IMO should be met with violence where appropriate, and

Its always interesting to see whether the blatant favoritism to women overrides the blatant favoritism to blacks in stories like these.

Well, perhaps this was assault, but it was worth it. Someone please represent this brutha for free because she deserved to get the taste slapped from her nasty mouth.

I’ll be by in 30 minutes to drive you to the local recruiting station. You want this so bad? Then you should be the first to go, Patriot.

Like, are we 100% sure it ever existed in the first place?

Well then, I can pirate the games with good conscience. The worst that happens is that I screw over some idiotic corporation. They don't want my money anyway. And the devs won't see a dime from this game, so no harms done.