adele dazeem

Pretty much. Less than I would expect to find ground into the rug under my desk.

Except that cops ARE responsible for each other’s behavior. Cops train each other. They have partners that they’re always working with. They have an internal affairs office. The officer who threw that 14-year-old girl to the ground and pointed his gun at children in Texas was responsible for training new police -

That’s an emotionally appealing solution, but the smallest amount of thinking and it becomes clear how unfair it would be to punish good civil servants for the actions of their corrupt colleagues.

I feel you. I really do. But it’s a slippery slope. As a union teacher, I shudder at the thought that my pension could be impacted if a fellow educator at my school did something worthy of a law suit. I’m not responsible for some other person’s shit behavior. I wish there was an easy solution. =/

And every time Mickey cuts them in half, he just winds up with twice as many brooms that are twice as racist.

Fox News reaps what they sow. Suddenly they have no idea what to do with frothing at the mouth conspiracy nutcases and the lumbering behemoth of tea partiers. It’s like watching Mickey Mouse frantically try to control the brooms he’s accidentally brought to life as they completely wreck the place.

Why in the everliving fuck is there a charge called domestic strangulation? What happened to attempted murder?

I hate when people compare women to objects, like cars with keys left on the hood. Yeah, except a car is meant to be driven; I’m not meant to be fucked. It’s not like that’s my whole purpose for existing, so your sad penis has a place to go.

Oh, that’s Flava Flov, he was kicked out of the group even before Professor Griff.

Read this as “Flov” and was like, “Who is that? Oh, God, I’m officially An Old.”

Paglia is a smelly turd of a person whose ideas are out of step with good human behavior. Cosby is an ass, but as someone else wrote, Paglia blames women for their own rapes.

I really detest Camille Paglia and detest that she is still given such a platform. Interviewing me for Salon would have been more productive. Considering that I’m not a Yale educated scholar who has devoted decades of my life to talking about women’s relationships to society, that’s pretty fucking sad.

Also remember

She’s an Olympic gold medalist and was on the Wheaties box forever, this isn’t her “15 minutes”

Is this shit still on? I stopped watching shortly after the episode that clip came from. More importantly, anyone heard about Vivi Anne?

This is almost as bad as outing a man’s personal life when it has no value to society, and then pretending it didn’t happen by dismissing all negative comments to hide the outrage, and then NOT FIRING JORDAN SARGENT.

Jezebel spoke to two of the women who were secretly filmed by Roy; we are protecting their identities while they pursue legal action.

The irony of this post is amazing.

This sounds most likely to me too. If you look at news reports and court filings (and laws, for that matter) 30 years ago, it was such a massively different time.

Exactly. I think they care more about their ~legacy~ to admit that they were sex objects first, musicians last. That is the damn truth. Aside from the fact that they were all underaged, of course, I have a hard time believing the rest of the girls didn’t also have less than enthusiastic sex, if not rape, with more old