adele dazeem
Now playing

Give this a good listen. It builds and gets livelier. It’s gonna be played at my death party but I won’t need for a while yet, I hope. Agree on Spirit in the Sky, too!

I’ve done this since the eighties, when I learned it as a waitress. My house is still a mess but much better than it would be otherwise, I think.

Yes, please!? I love bragging about my $4 dress: 1950s cream cocktail dress found on the closet floor of an estate sale.

Also: "That's fun!"

I'm a blubbering mess just from reading the article.

She should have addressed this in the book and owned up to her complicity in the rape and her shitty attitude towards the victim afterwards and apologized for being deadass wrong but since we haven't heard that in any reviews of the book so far I'm assuming she hasn't.