We all have a morning routine, and depending on exactly how yours works, it might be possible to automate certain…
We all have a morning routine, and depending on exactly how yours works, it might be possible to automate certain…
I needed a new replacement and this is PERFECT! Thanks Shep!
I needed a new replacement and this is PERFECT! Thanks Shep!
Oh my God, that’s even better.
An actual Nixon campaign button.
John Mulaney fan?
This was on there.
It's a great soundtrack. I wish it had the Feelies songs, though.
Corny can be ok.
For some reason this song reminded me of Heaven by the Psychadelic Furs (a great song but this shit here is corny as hell)
Something Wild is a movie I used to watch on my VCR a lot. It has probably my favorite closing credits song ever. Sister Carol doing “Wild Thing.”
Honestly I’d love to see a lifehacker guide to going back to college as an adult.
Painful. Yoko, not the cute screaming goats.
Na na na na na na na na BATSEX!
Now the Beach Boys are covering this in my head...make it stop!
Finally: crouching jeans.
“You can tell by the smell it’s a trucker’s hell.” I worshipped that movie when I was a kid. I don’t care what anyone says, it’s still my favorite Peckinpah film.
Here ya go.