Fred Garvin Male Prostitute

That was..........different.

Now, do that while engulfed in flames, like in that Wax video.


Nice wheels, Canada.

So she’s taking her time on her riiiiiiiiiiiiide.

You remember that time, way back, when I called you “Hero with a capital H”?

It seems that being brilliant and being a bit off go hand in hand. As I’ve always said, if you are in the tail on a bell curve in intelligence, you are probably out in the tail in other ways. Frank’s music makes it clear he is waaaaaaay out in the tail.

Good lord that guy was a trip.

Now playing

I never really understood the fascination with Frank Zappa. I’m shocked to hear that he didn’t use drugs because the only people I knew who listened to him, did use drugs.

I’ve always thought George Carlin was pretty grounded. I would enjoy playing poker with him.

Oh jeah +1

Yeah, but you have to dye to go to the City of God.

How the hell would Lochte even know he was held up. That boy’s about as sharp as a sack of wet mice

IOC spokesman (pictured); ‘ didn’t happen, everything’s fine.’ how would the IOC even know if Lochte got held up or not? Were they there? Or did they just flat-out deny it for optics purposes?

You make me feel so blue. Grey. White? I don’t know.

Pay him no mind, he’s just salty because we own the moon, and he lives in a country that has flying poisonous crocodiles and no moon ownership.