Fred Fuchs

So, they admit they know without investigation yet they don’t like how the system they built behaves. So glad I didn’t get it on xbl sales these past days. Not even worth my 20$. And being this mainstream means they will get away with the backlash easily. Fml and their fans.

Is spending money cheating? Seems just as fair to me.

Yeah. Writers are ruining the reporting on EA’s decisions.

“I am smarter than the majority of people” is to intelligence what “I’m not a racist” is to racism.

My favorite part of anything Far Cry is once you get a sniper rifle. Find a camp you must capture, go to a hill or cliff or bush overlooking it, then try and pick out every enemy before they sound an alarm.

I mean I used it to get early game rich all the time.

The Thieves Guild was excellent! The Gray Fox was so delightful, and the quest to steal the Elder Scroll was one of the more memorable and inventive across all of TES.

Literally none of this is about politics, and since when do Presidents being butthurt justify leaving a American citizens abroad?

you’re a fucking idiot

Wow your gratitude is cheap.

Be a less obvious fucking troll.

As a Jets fan this whole season has been like watching your clean-cut, straight A older brother that you’re always being compared to slide into an ugly heroin addiction. And kind of being ok with it.

Other goalie?

Also, have you ever been to a Trader Joe’s parking lot that had more than six fucking parking spots?

I feel sorry for your wife you sound like a creep

I get what you’re saying here but there’s literally arrows on the floor. Now, the arrows take you on IKEA’s route out because it takes you past every item they offer but they will lead you to the light. Literally, you can’t leave without walking through the lights section, but it’s also the exit.

I love Ikea!

Ikea has meatballs and ice cream and stuff to sit on. This take is wrong.

Home Goods and Michaels are indeed awful, but the church background music and my unwillingness to ignore their awful politics puts Hobby Lobby solidly into first place.