Fred Fuchs

Personal story, but when I was in the army and serving in an Infantry unit (I wasn’t infantry), the entire unit was all about these movies. They fucking loved them for some reason I could never grasp. Now, I’m not saying people in the infantry are stupid, but you don’t have to be smart to be in the infantry.

All of my Sims parties end in 10-15 people trapped in an underground room with no doors, 10 fireplaces, tons of carpeting, and oh so much fire. Weird.

Yeah, I can’t wait until Jeffery leaves as well and all that defensive talent (I mean the only 3 guys in defense with talent) leave with Fox in January. It’ll be great watching a GM who couldn’t recognize talent if he were standing in the Hall of Fame draft a fucking safety at number 3 overall and deplete the aging

Unlike the Colts who just make their own.

Have you heard of the Lions?

Even without that, the Dems will just quote the Republicans over the last 6 years when they demanded a 60-vote pass on literally everything. That shit is coming to bite them on everything.

At least Jon Stewart knows how the government works. He’s way more qualified than Dipshit.

When I was in Iraq for the release of the 360, one of my buddies received a system in a care package from his wife, who paid over $1000 for it from ebay. He was bragging incredibly hard about how his wife got it and how we all had to suck on it. Literally the next day we walk over to the PX who had just stocked up on

Oddly enough, willing to have sex with him just to get any attention.

Someone clearly passed him the rock.

Looks like it was just for warm-ups. Watching the game now and everyone’s in their own jerseys.

Hockey is back.

Yeah, I had a buddy in the army who has become an elder in his tribe recently, he always said his people preferred to just be called “Indians” over anything else. Again, not something to judge everyone on, but it seems to be not as derogatory as some people make it out to be.

Most of those people can easily ride that bandwagon to the pharmacy. So that’s a plus.

The planes will land and transform into robots that fight on the ground.

They should steer clear of “Hitlery.” Sounds too much like a far-right presidential candidate they’d love to elect.

Torturing a person with Life behind bars is the least despicable answer you can think of? How sad.

Over 160,000 people are in prison for murder, actually.