Fred Fuchs

I’ll be cool with PBR. Because anyone who drinks that knows exactly what they’re drinking. No one is claiming PBR is anything but PBR.

“Your first kiss wasn’t your cousin? Well, aren’t you some kind of snob. Watch out for Mr. Rockefeller, over here! Too good for his own flesh and blood!"

Budweiser fans setting the bar pretty low on the definition of “beer snob.”

You don’t have to be a beer snob to know Budweiser is shit. You just have to be generally alive.

You wash down the taste of shit with the taste of piss? Interesting move.

I love that his (hopefully) last game was a game where you could have plugged in almost any other QB and ended up with the same (if not better) results. He was such a non-factor in the game that you tend to forget he was even playing. They could have slipped in Brock for a few plays here and there and no one would

If I ever meet one, I promise not to rag on them. I’m sure I’ll meet one eventually.

The worst part is being a non-Broncos fan living in Colorado. Now we have to put up with Broncos fans praising Manning, not recognizing the defense, and generally forgetting that most of Manning’s career was with the Colts.

How hard does every announcer want to suck Aaron Rogers’ dick? Every time one says his name you can just hear them getting a half-chub.

Ah, Tony Dungy made it! Nothing beats having the human version of watching paint dry in the HoF.

Now we know who’ll start Floyd Mayweather’s fantasy team.

Someone had to go there, and you did it well. +1

By definition, chili doesn’t have beans. Because they’re terrible and the worst.

I think it would be nice to counter the insufferable 500 Days of Kristen with the 500 Lifehacks of Jim.

It’s part of the chorus, so going down to the river is a separate thought line. That’s how songs work.

Yeah, one of his most critically-acclaimed albums was a mistake.

Yeah. I may be in the greys (on this site), but at least I’m not using parenthesis like a fucking moron.

Okay, bold. Go fuck yourself.

Do you know what parenthesis even are?

Oh. It only applies to 2015? Nevermind. I thought free agency was older than 1 season. You’re right.