I hate her.
I hate her.
I’ll never understand, cuz I don’t have the time, why the fuck they traded Isiah and Dragic and got nothing in return. Nothing.
Smokey seats too.
Keep working those boards brother.
Lemme guess, your a stage manager working a Actors Equity off Broadway version of Chekov that repositions The Cherry Orchard in a car garage in Nebraska.
I agree with this. He's not the guy with the plan or the agenda, but he's the guy behind the guy who is using him to find the main guys insane plots.
Surprisingly clean finger nails as well.
I wish Marshawn could be left alone.
I cannot believe ESPN is going full blown Xerox. It was so powerful and growing and now it just feels like it’s Wiley Coyote running on air, knowing it has to look down, and once it looks down POOF.
Yes it matters.
Well the promotion of the movie MESSIER floated above Manhattan
Testi’s face < Trump’s Colon
Sting, in 2016, is doing the half time show for the NBA All Star Game.
Dear Rachel,
Yo, NBA announcers be lo mein.
It’s a poorly designed finish line to be fair, but also, act like ya been there. Finish strong. #EmmitSmith #DanaBarros #HotTake #KinjaSundaySquad #Deadspin4Life #HashTags4You #Squad
Well, it did make a +1