
“How do I tell people I don’t like a thing? I KNOW! I’ll comment on the Internet about it! That’ll show’em!!”

Helicopter parenting is bad and you can’t shelter them from bad stuff in the world too much but I feel like “I don’t want my children interacting with a known serial killer” is a fairly reasonable request?

The list of people I’d like to punch in the face continues to grow every day under this hellish administration. I feel a lot like Arya, just minus the ability to change faces or assassinate people.

I’m finding this attitude to be too nihilistic to entertain. A weakened Clinton would still have been better than a Trump presidency. First off, impeachment is not Thebes’s worst thing that can happen to the country, especially when it’s highly unlikely that a Republican Congress could have removed her from office.

Hey Kevin, any time you want to start thinking about putting all these together into a little book, you’ve got at least one buyer.

Think of it like this- Mainstream culture will provides 100x more male/female pairings than same-sex pairings. People who want to see different-sex relationships? Don’t have to create or do anything, because next week new movies and novels and episodes will be released to meet that need.

Yes, how dare fans appreciate a game in a way you don’t! Everyone should blindly follow your tastes and opinions and yours alone!

TODAY I LEARNED: drug dealers accept foodstamps

Alright, ardent “pro-lifers” where are your signs and your bullhorns? Where will you be marching up and down and shouting about precious babies that need protection?

It’s a totally unreasonable assertion. There’s no evidence that Seth Rich leaked anything. Zip. Zero. Zilch. In fact, we know that the Russians hacked the DNC (and likely the RNC as well), and the leaked documents show signs that they passed through Russia.

Except the police have debunked the fox myth 6 days before they issued the retraction. The police believe it may have been during a robbery. Remember when you hear hoofbeats think horses not zebras. Let the police follow the evidence. All this does is provoke attention seekers to flood phone lines, wasting valuable

For me it’s not that there’s wicked naughty sex stuff, but that women are so often portrayed as sub-sapient, to the point they are literally presented as animals. The feminine ideal appears to be a child with a pituitary condition who has been dropped on her head (the middle one) too many times.

wow, this is pretty smug. I’m a sex-loving do-as-thou-wilt Satanist and I’m repulsed by the tropey fan service thing that governs so much anime these days. you don’t have to be a prude to hate it.

The NHL has a similar problem: lots of pretty okay teams, no great ones, and thus not much interest.

Hi, omgSona. I have talked about Attack on Titan being bad, so hopefully you’ll find that interesting!

The Blackhawks and Penguins didn’t build up their rosters by tanking. They absolutely were bad enough to get the picks they did, and even then the Hawks for one were still not very good with Kane and Toews for a couple years. Between that comment and your glaring misunderstanding of the real, actual Red Wings dynasty,

I don’t think she is a jerk so much as a woman who found herself on a date with a mentally unstable person and got so scared she noped the fuck out of there. Good for her. His obsession with getting revenge on her is proof that she was right.

Based on this guy’s INSANE overreaction and creepy AF efforts to track her down to get his money back, my guess is the date had already been going horribly and she was looking for a way out. I can’t believe there are responses on this thread saying they’re equally shitty people. She texted in a movie; he is contacting

Well, this dude’s pretty much guaranteeing he won’t be going out on many more dates (at least with a woman who has basic Googling skills).