
Sometimes updates fail. Sometimes you don’t have enough disk space. MS needs a way to announce that a critical patch isn’t installed. I mean seriously what percentage of computer users can decipher this page to even be able to verify if it is installed or not

If your main character is James Bond it’s not the fault of the audience for being disappointed when you tell a John LeCarre story. If you want to tell a John Le Carre story then you use George Smiley, not James Bond.

Yeah, what you’re talking about is subtext which is worthless if you don’t get the text right. The text of Iron Fist is an over-the-top martial arts action hero and they failed on counts with it.

Every time I watch Into the Badlands a part of me cries for Iron Fist....

This season has been amazing.

Agents of SHIELD, season 5, baby! YES!

I’m sorry but Donna and Josie are two characters I won’t miss. Harry, though, is another story.

Legends of Tomorrow is a time travel show, already renewed.

Part of the problem lies with Tumblr

Wow, this was a depressing read. That so many Americans willfully accept blatant lies.

This type of bullshit is exactly why I quit Overwatch with only 15-20 hours in. Toxic, awful, shitty community. Video games are supposed to be fun, and being shit on simply for picking whatever character you like, let alone alllllll the myriad other reasons you will get shit on in an Overwatch match is just not fun.

Don’t conflate a video-game with real-life. Most people play games to kill time or have some fun. Then they get on with their real lives. As long people aren’t being directly abusive to other players there is nothing wrong with how one chooses to play a videogame. I’m sick of this “meta” bullshit so many players

Good, we’re glad you left. If you’re gonna play a team game and then not play for the team then why are you playing the game in the first place?

You can play a team game without being a toxic asshole who rages in the first ten seconds of the game and decides to throw just because someone picks Hanzo lol.

You’re applying a blanket stereotype. I main Hanzo, but I play a few characters regularly. I’d much rather see a Hanzo (an actual defense character) on defense than a Tracer or a McCree. I also regularly have gold objective time as Hanzo, so that argument is moot. As for support not deserving blame for a loss?

I don’t think you should direct hate at anyone, ever, in an online game. You’re applying an unbelievably unfair stereotype to a group of people and using that to justify toxicity.

Yep, Overwatch’s community is just toxic, especially in competitive. They’re nearly as bad as League.

People like you are why I quit playing online multiplayer games. You folks take this shit way too seriously.

Military training favours aiming at center body mass. Also, magical shin guards.

unpopular opinion: I enjoy her theme a whole bunch. I recognize it as HERS now, which I cant say for most other modern superhero movies.