
Okay, I know were you are getting at but still if you are good at Hanzo, PICK HANZO, I have seen plenty of great Hanzos, Widows and Sombras. I speak from experience, I play Sombra in comp and the second I hear some Meta slave saying OMG A SOMBRA? I get into a party so they are muted, I am console btw.

It’s an endless circle of grief: I don’t play Hanzo in comp due to the salt and toxicity. I love playing Hanzo, so I play Hanzo in quick play. People trying to practice roles for comp feel salty because are faced with a team of Hanzo, Widowmaker, and Sombra, which you’ll never come across in comp. Because of the

If everyone always played “book” meta, nothing would ever evolve or change. Also: It’s a video game... get some perspective.

You’re absolutely right. Nobody can tell you how to have fun with a game that you paid for. Blizzard allows Hanzo to be picked in these game modes. Get over it.

I don’t play overwatch to work, I do that all day. I play overwatch to have fun and it just so happens that I find Hanzo to be a lot of fun. If it pisses anyone off, complain to Blizzard and petition to have him removed. Otherwise, I don’t particularly care. If you feel we need a tank, pick a tank. If you feel we need

White privilege allows you to believe if you fix the economy then all other problems go away. You are being daft by believing it’s all economic and not racism causing problems.

Sorry if I don’t think as basic civil liberties such as women having autonomy over ones body as “ideals.” As a woman bodily autonomy is the reality on which I must deal with on a daily basis.

I’d call it “anti-establishment” if it weren’t for the fact the GOP didn’t lose control over the House or Senate and were handed the keys to the White House.

Hilary Fucking Clinton does not need to establish her pro-choice bona-fides with you or anyone else. Bernie “I don’t believe in identity politics” Sanders however has a lot to prove to demonstrate he can or will do anything more than name post offices.

Isn’t it amazing how the Bros behave just like Trumpets in that the second you criticize their boy they pivot to “YEAH WELL CLINTON!” when she’s sitting at home and the other two are in office.

So, pray tell, why does Sanders get to be the straight white dude who decides which civil rights women, people of color, and the LGBTQ community have to abandon in order to achieve economic stability?

I actually agree with you and Thrumbrillo in principle. Sometimes we will have to make compromises. My issue is that it’s always the same people who are asked to make the compromises. We always tell the marginalized people to suck it up and that Congressman Joe Blow is good enough. We don’t demand Joe Blow to change


So what you’re saying is we should vote for the less progressive Democrat to stop the awful Republican?

So, again, wait for that candidate by all means. While you’re waiting, and/or demonizing those who aren’t pure enough, the GOP will continue their fuckery.

Not for nothing, but I find it incredibly ironic how much all of the Hillary supporters, who constantly howled about these so-called “purity tests” by Sanders supporters (which was just one bullshit claim in a long line of bullshit claims) are now laying Sanders open because he suddenly isn’t “pure” enough.

Bernie Sanders spent the Democratic primary railing against Clinton as someone who wasn’t progressive enough (how many times did I have to hear him bitch about the importance of $15 min wage vs. $12?), sold Jon Orsoff down the river as someone who wasn’t a true “progressive”, but now suddenly he and his base are

Or maybe he can throw his weight behind truly progressive candidates while not telling women and minorities to wait their turn while the blue collar man babies get catered to even more.

He’s all for purity when it comes to economic issues because he thinks we can get the blue collar voters back by focusing on that. Social and reproductive rights should take a back seat so dems can control everything. It’s white male privilege.

My aversion to this is two fold.