
It is a horrible thing. Eventually the voters will probably wake up, but they’ll probably start disenfranchising the people that disagree with the ruling party, like the republicans do in america. A similar thing seems to be happening in Poland too.

Sure, post the crazy pics on gonewild!

There’s no researching showing that homeopathy works at all, that is why people don’t respect it.

I’m from Arkansas, and often I hear about a ridiculous idiot like this and I think “I hope he is not from Arkansas”. Mississippi, Texas, those are good places for people like this. The first time I stumbled on the Duggar’s horror of a TV show I turned to my wife and said it out load “Please let them not be from

Please just watch the show. He’s not from India. There are characters from many different cultures, they talk about how it is way too homogenous, they see the men struggle to deal with different people from themselves; they make fun of them for these things.

Re: HE’S NOT A TOKEN! He is a full-fledged, completely realized main character.

They do exactly what you suggest, they talk about how absurd it is that there are hardly any women, and the men have trouble dealing with women, they come across as cluelessly, idiotically sexist and wrong. Have you never seen the show?

I am hoping for a new macbook air, or at least a more powerful replacement for that silly system with the single usb-c port. Maybe a thinner, yet more powerful macbook with longer battery life will scratch that itch.

Clinton did use her personal email server. It was really stupid. I might not vote for her on it. However, Newsweek had an article last week describing how Powell and Rice used personal email while in the sec of state office; guess what, no one is saying they committed a crime, there’s no cong. investigation. No one

How did they coordinate this, that’s one thing I’m surprised about?As far as I know, this doesn’t happen every year. I guess I can see how the police could be overwhelmed, but it’s scary to think about 1000s of people coming together for this purpose.

I feel sorry for Walsh. I also feel sorry for the Seahawks punter, Jon Ryan, who maybe did or didn’t do the right then on his first punt and got the broken nose.

Those are different socialists! Bernie is a democratic socialists, a democrat who favors a better social safety net, more people oriented than corporations. Those other socialists sound like the nazi party, and they called themselves something socialists something; that was basically fascism.

What? Why would Paul Allen care about Favre?

I feel some sympathy for the humanities majors, with all the dissing on their area by the focus on stem these days. I don’t think a stupid t-shirt should be so threatening to people. Both STEM and humanities students learn about rhetoric and logic, and history. The thing that stem (like doing a physics experiment or

There’s nothing wrong with the jobs that are created from working on govt programs of course, just like there’s nothing wrong (and much laudable) for working for the govt directly. The problem is when we spend money on programs that are primarily about keeping people employed so they vote for a politician. That’s bad,

Come on, mile high club is just for the poors, how about the 30,000 foot club! Let’s see the paparazzi take pictures of clooney when he’s up there! How could no one else see this?

But what happened to the daughter?

Your only hope is to become the paramour/sexual plaything of a STEM grad. Only they can save you.