Europeans also had the weapons, right?
Europeans also had the weapons, right?
It was legal at the time. It’s hundreds of years ago. They didn’t have the benefit of your 2015 perspective.
And the owners got rich on the backs of the black athletes they employed. Except this time, the athletes got rich, too.
Nope! Dylan Roof was the last young racist and, thankfully, he is In custody.
Except that the Jews have regrouped and moved on from the Holocaust to be tremendously successful as a group. It took a long time, but they have. When are black people going to move on from slavery?
Not dying at all, Shelwood. Racists have kids and pass it all down. It doesn't end.
Not to mention the racism involved with the killings of white people by blacks last week alone. If anything, it seems like racism is a bigger issue now than it has been in a long time.
Money=power. But you knew that already.
This perception that racism is dying with the aging baby boomers is just bullshit. Dylan Roof was what? 24?? If that?
Big difference: Slavery was legal at the time.
That was the way things worked at the time. It was legal and many owners needed healthy slaves to do the work; so they were taken care of.
Yeah, I thought most of Africa was still like that. It was the coverage of the Ebola breakout that reaffirmed it for me.
Slavery was a picnic compared to the Holocaust.
I had always heard that slaves were treated pretty well, if only, for plantation owners to protect their investments.
Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins the marketers are racist?? They are just trying to sell a product. If Serena helped in that area she would get more gigs. Simple as that.
That sums it up just perfectly. Mixing and matching all the confused media accounts of something doesn't make the event a hoax.
I think it is more akin to Tom Arnold being named the “Chairman Of Keepin’ It Real”, but your point is awesome.
B-b-but she said mean thing about Floyd and Gawker just Hates Floyd so damn much!!!
Wait. People actually like to watch women fight??? Ewwwww!!!