Freddie Fish

Looks like they made a perfect keyboard and smashed it against the wall and sold it.

Wow I could have told you that. Not only have people been playing the same low budget garbage since the PS2 wrestling games but they’ve somehow gotten worse.

Some features that they’ve advertised as being new have been in wrestling games for decades lmao

Wow you all need lives lmao


Only an idiot can get mad a loot boxes.

lul Digimon in 2017

Don’t need a professor to come to this conclusion ! Women really do need to relax and see how valuable they are and men 100% need to stop giving the cheap women the most attention.

Corny as hell

Could be because most moved on to something better.

Oh really ? I thought his fist flying was obvious enough.

The only precedent that can be set here is content creators not being disgusting people in a public setting at the very least and instead being more professional and considerate towards those watching.

If you have an issue with that then I guess you’re part of the problem here.

What ? You think its perfectly fine for a developer to allow their work to be associated with a racist ? You’re a pretty messed up individual yourself aren’t ya ?

Long gone are the days of Youtube being a great place to view personalities and gaming content especially now that this disgusting racist is on top of the world with no chance of being dethroned anytime soon.

Obviously called him an idiot because he got her gender wrong. Shouldn’t be that hard to figure out.

Girls on Twitch know what they’re doing when they exploit themselves for attention. There is a majority that takes advantage of their genetics in hopes of succeeding either because they’ve seen girls succeed doing that or they just know that their looks will make up for their lack of entertainment.

$45 on Steam lul

Too little too late.

lol typical SJW garbage.

No, it’s not lol


Nothing can save this series.