Freddie Fish

“How to waste more money”

Having to pay to play as a woman.

There is no right for a man to hit a woman until the woman crosses a line that very few women ever get to see much less cross. Sorry but just because shes a woman doesn’t allow her to act like a nasty cunt and that’s the shield that these kinds of women hide behind.

It’s a wall that needs to be broken down, equal

This obviously staged video is getting so much attention. I guess we really don’t have standards for anything anymore.

It’s about time they stopped making Pokemon games lol

People worried about fictitious character ethnicity rather than the unbalance of the game lol

Well this actually means something it had to go unlike 90% of the things people complain about these days.

What has the world come to

Waste of money any way you spin it but if you really enjoy the game and see yourself playing for a very long time its worth it (i guess)

When the game is so boring you notice an NPC is missing from a convenience store.

lol anyone getting on a plane and going to someones house uninvited is a grade A moron.

Just another case of a kid without social skills.

The switch is weak as hell it honestly wouldn’t have a future if it didn’t have the Nintendo trademark attached to it.

The DS will forever be the greatest handheld ever created they can’t drop that for something else.

100% agree

It’s just so pointless to play quick play

In reality:

He just has an extremely weak personality that gets too attached to things. If it wasn’t video games it would have easily been something else.

How sad

I’m still looking for a reason to play this game =\

Learn from your mistakes and do not purchase this game.

After 2 matches its easy to be over it

You’re better off not playing Bayonetta 2