Como latino puedo decir con confianza y seguridad: please get your head out of your ass. ¡Viva México cabrones!
Como latino puedo decir con confianza y seguridad: please get your head out of your ass. ¡Viva México cabrones!
The correct pronounciation is “I don’t speak Spanish”
Meh, de no haber sido por Ocarina of Time, Golden Eye y Space Station: Sillicon Valley, no habría tenido el interés de estudiar seriamente inglés desde la primaria.
Latino es neutro y masculino, basta una búsqueda rápida en el Diccionario Panhispánico de Dudas para corroborarlo. “Latinx” es una cosa rara que usa gente que no habla español.
People who are not latin-american, and very few who actually know Spanish.
Exactly. Even in Spanish language you can already be inclusive without using that thing: you can say “latinos y latinas”, “mexicanas y mexicanos”, “damas y caballeros”, etc.
Ciertamente no fue inventado por personas de verdadera cultura latinoamericana. Al sur del río Bravo (o Grande) existe el consenso de que esa mamada de “latinxs” es eso: una mamada.
Es la idea pendeja de unos cabrones que a huevo quieren distinguirse del resto de los ciudadanos y ciudadanas de Estados Unidos. Sólo avergüenza a los que conocemos y usamos el idioma. Casi nadie que se considera verdaderamente latinoamericano o latinoamericana lo usa. De hecho, casi todas las personas a quienes he…
Wow, the writer of this piece really needs to grow up, or just to stuck out his head of his ass. I do not know if I should feel pity are just be annoyed.
Said the bot from Israel.
He’s dead. Apart from the victims of Mexican cartels, I have never seen someone so scared. So now all you have an idea of what kind of cruelty and ruthlessness those pedo bastards have.
So this will be as bad as Life is Beautiful, but in the J-Horror genre.
Well, it is established that now any mistake made by a not-right wing person, will mean the end of his or her career. No matter how much did you apologize, or if foresaid mistake was amplified or exagerated, the context doesn’t matter either. Too many people are too worried about purity, about not deviating from the ne…
Many people are so misserable and lonely, they crave for any trace of intimacy, not the sexual type, but the warm feeling of another human prescence, to feel welcome in a place they can call “home”.
Yeah, this is what they needed: tears and emotional reactions to their plight. Gracias pinches gringos, ahora váyanse directito a la verga.
Loneliness is the modern natural state of the human experience. Stinks, but it is true.
Oh que la chingada, ¿pueden parar con esa mamada de “latinxs” por favor? En serio, están descerebrados los retrasados que chingan y chingan con eso. Por esas jaladas nadie quiere aquí a los pinches pochitos que en realidad son más gringos que las pinches gringas de taquería.
I didn’t read that detail. Yes, he raped her and he deserves to rot in jail with the inmates doing him without condom every shower day.
Well, nowthey must be very afraid of supporting fascism, everyone now can know where they live and there are too many guns in America. If some of them is a goner, their loss.
Now you know that no one is allowed to make any mistake, especially a sexual one, no matter what remorse you express. Best case scenario your partner will break with you, worst case your partner will demand you and make you go to jail and register as a sex offender for the rest of your life.