What a chilli mate.
What a chilli mate.
Maybe Allen, but if the daughter is of age, in no way he is a Moore.
Terrific actor, a true US national treassure.
Well, that’s part of the charm, the mystery.
Gee, sometimes a coincidence is a coincidence.
You said it, belief system. It is horrible and condemnable, however it is not an illegal action per se. The legal system is based upon the commitment of acts. For example, if they were actively campaigning with detailed plans for the killing or deportation of targeted non-white persons (let’s say, the tapatíos or…
Sorry, I should’ve used the word “persecute”, not “prosecute”, my bad.
As despicable his beliefs are, it should not be permissible to prosecute them for their abominable ideas if they have done nothing illegal. It is the slippery slope that leads to the thought police.
It should be Miranda if we stay in the US, his constributions are too great to ignore. Or if the person of the Year will be global (as it should), the best bet is Putin: almost everything is going according to his plans; he is trully the greatest machiavellian estadist of the modern era.
Gee, amazing that there are still nobility and royalty in western Europe. We are in the XXI century! Hope sooner than later the British people will abolish the monarchy and establish a civil and secular republic.
In Barranca del Muerto metro station, there are so many homeless people living at the entrance, sometimes it is impossible to move them without police help. They are about 20 foul-smelling, drugged men and women, even some children!
Sexually curious young grandmas deserve better than salmonella sex.
Gee, at this point is useless to report what Trump does or says. We all know the horrible person he is, yet no one will change their opinion about him: the left will keep him hating while the right folks will keep him in an altar. So there is no use in giving him attention, because nothing will change.
So mature, it surely will help all the victims.
He should resign and rot in jail. Same as the Republicans accused of inmoral behavor. Eventually Trump, Clinton and the all the other criminals should be put in jail too.
Gee, at this pace it will be easer to drop the Cobalt bomb in Hollywood.
She is very beautiful. It is a shame she appears to be a bad person.
Gee, a new TV show about (asian) assholes being filthy rich and corrupt. So yay for diversity: every elite is as shitty as the American one.
Gee, this is a very petty piece. Now your obsession with everything related to Trump, including his fluids, is very creepy.
Everyone are hypocrite and assholes. In other news, the sky is blue.